See through Collage 2005 - 2012 

Another idea that came to me when I'd started to use dyed teabags as my palette.  These pieces are thinner than paper as they are fine teabags glued together to create one piece.  Hung as is like the original scrolls from 2005 or more recently floated in a frame, these pieces come alive when light is allowed to move through them.


click on image to enlarge 



Beach Life 1

2012 Aus

Acrylic on dyed teabags glued together to create 

a paper thin see through piece 

585mm x 310mm

framed in a clear perspex box





Beach Life 3

2012 Aus

Acrylic on dyed teabags glued together to create 

a paper thin see through piece 

575mm x 320mm

framed in a clear perspex box





Reprogram 1

2009 AUS

42.5mm x 53.7mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 2

2009 AUS

42.5mm x 53.7mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 7

2009 AUS

44mm x 62.5mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 8

2009 AUS

44mm x 62.5mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 10

2009 AUS

47mm x 87.5mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Golden Prayer Scroll

300mm x 1180mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Green Prayer Scroll

230mm x 920mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Ganeshs Head Dress

390mm x 1010mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Mooladhara Prayer Scroll

440mm x 1370mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Rust Prayer Scroll

140mm x 870mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.

Beach Life 2

2012 Aus

Acrylic on dyed teabags glued together to 

create a paper thin see through piece 

590mm x 320mm

framed in a clear perspex box






Beach Life 4

2012 Aus

Acrylic on dyed teabags glued together to

create a paper thin see through piece 

580mm x 320mm

framed in a clear perspex box





Reprogram 3

2009 AUS

55mm x 74mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 4

2009 AUS

55mm x 74mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 5

2009 AUS

47mm x 87.5mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 6 

2009 AUS

47mm x 87.5mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Reprogram 9

2009 AUS

44mm x 62.5mm

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin. 




Head Dress

300mm x 660mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued  together

to create a see through piece that is

paper thin.




Kundalini Prayer Scroll

310mm x 800mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Purple Prayer Scroll

140mm x 950mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Yellow Prayer Scroll

190mm x 900mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Rose Prayer Scroll

305mm x 1110mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to

create a see through piece that is paper thin.




Sahara Prayer Scroll

310mm x 770mm

2005 NZ

Collage of dyed teabags glued together to 

create a see through piece that is paper thin.





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